“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.”
All In is a two-year generosity initiative for the purchase of New Hope’s permanent home.
Through prayer, surrender, and Bible understanding we pray to grow closer to God as we move forward in generosity towards the possession and renovation of a permanent gospel lighthouse in our community.
OUR PRIMARY GOAL is that 100% of our people would go before God and have a life-changing encounter with Him as it relates to their generosity and their involvement in this next step for our church. God’s plan for giving does not call for equal amounts, but equal sacrifice (2 Corinthians 8:12–14).
OUR SECONDARY GOAL is $150,000 in generous giving over the next two years towards the purchase and renovation of our new location. This goal is divided into a $50,000 cash offering on Victory Sunday, October 27, and $100,000 of pledged giving over the next two years.
1. Pray fervently.
Pray that God would do abundantly more than we ask or imagine for His great name.
2. Commit fully.
Help us reach our goal of 100% participation by standing side by side with your church family & committing to do whatever God asks. Put your “yes” on the table.
3. Cheer loudly.
Own the church vision, and become a cheerleader for it within your spheres of influence. Commit to being a part of the weekly services.
4. Give generously.
Ask God to show you during this season what a sacrificial gift looks like, and commit to the bold steps required to see it through.
I am very excited to share with you this new season in our church! For the next five weeks we are entering a sermon series in our church called “ALL IN."
Ephesians 3:20 teaches us that God is able to do more than we ever thought possible. During this season, we are standing on that promise to experience God in our lives and in our local church as we go all-in on the mission of God.
At its roots, the ALL-IN series is about more than money, buildings, or growth. It is about creating more opportunities to introduce people to Jesus and surrendering more of ourselves to God. It’s an opportunity to look, pray and work for those who aren’t here yet—those far from God, those who feel unworthy of God, and the ones who don’t yet know they need God.
What we are asking is simple but not easy. Will you align your life with the mission of Jesus to go after the lost ones of our generation? Will you move beyond life as usual and make investments in things that will have eternal impact? The vision we believe God has for us is a powerful one, and I invite you to go on this journey with us as we get to be part of what God is doing in northwest Connecticut and around the world.
This is a very exciting time for our church. God is going to do some wonderful things through your willingness. I pray you will join us as we take the next step to introduce our community to the hope found in Jesus Christ!
I love you and am very excited about the days ahead! Thank you for sharing the vision and making this wonderful journey together with us.
Your friend,
Pastor Andrew